King David
What is fencing?
Film by Semyon Pinkhasov. Documentary, nominated for the best picture at the international film festival.
Training of a champion series.
The system of fencing training presented in this film has been developed over many years. It has grown out of the operational experience of the authors as trainers, as well as their pedagogical experiments and the analysis of their research.
Training of a Champion consists of different systems utilized to train and prepare the best Fencers in the world. A few of you might be amused or find it hard to believe, but one of systems used as a method of training is called “System Tractor”.
This digital film update was made in 2021.
digital products
Training of a champion.
$ 19
Foil fencing. Film one. Technical training.
This section includes: Introduction, Basic skills, Training of Attacks, Training of Defence, Combinations, Systems of Parries and Ripostes, more...
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digital products
Training of a champion.
$ 19
Foil fencing. Film two. Tactical training.
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This advanced section includes: Maneuvering and Preparative Blade Movements, Independent Choice of Actions in Standard Situations, Modeling Probable Sequence of Actions in a Bout, Combination of Actions with Probable Tactical Decisions, more...
Epee fencing. Film one. Technical training.
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The first section of this course includes: Introduction, Basic Skills, Training of Attacks, Training of Parries with Riposte and Counterattack, Thrusts to the Body and to the Forearm with Oppositions.
digital products
Training iof a champion.
$ 19
Epee fencing. Film two. Tactical training.
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This second section of the course includes advance training in: Maneuvering and Preparative Blade Movements,Combinations of Actions with Probable Tactical Decisions, and more.
digital products
Training of a champion.
$ 19
Footwork training Film. From beginner to a champion.
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The training of the fencers’ footwork on the piste is directed towards the development of initial and final positions of the athlete during the bout, as well as maintaining of necessary motor standards.
digital products
From beginner to the champion.
$ 19
Sabre Fencing. Film. Technical and Tactical training.
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The system of fencing training presented in this instructional coaching course has been developed over many years. It has grown out of the operational experience of the authors as trainers, as well as their pedagogical experiments and the analysis of their research.
digital products
Training of a champion.
$ 19
Sabre Fencing. Film. Technical skills fundamentals.
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The film shows the most important techniques, actions and their combinations. As Such, they were selected from a large number available in sabre combat. Methodological recommendations are proposed for athletes and coaches.
digital products
This Film will be useful for coaches and athletes - sabre fencers.
$ 19