digital products
Android App Footdisco
$ 10
Android program with sound track for Footwork training
Footdisco program can be used by individual fencers or by groups for warm-up, footwork training, special fitness training. The composition of the Footwork training exercises are based on Footwork Training DVD and suitable for beginners and top class fencers. 10 min workout starts from En Guard position and steps, followed by two and three stages attack combinations, combinations of manoeuvring, most commonly used by fencers during bouts. The sound track includes background music and tuition and will lead you through the exercises, making your training easier and more enjoyable.
Android program - Tyshler Training System
The importance of motor reaction training has been scientifically proved in astronauts, pilots and other skills based professions as well as in the preparation of high performance athletes in all kinds of sport. Training Device has eight different training programs – which could be used to generate infinity of the exercises. The device is programmed to generate different signals to train simple motor reactions, choice reactions (choice between two possible actions), switching reactions (switching from a chosen action to a different one), discrimination reaction, anticipation of distance, mental practice.
digital products
Android App for training motor reactions
$ 45